Quotes and Testimonials
from people
who have experienced the work
A small selection of what people have said about how much they gained from
the LearningMethods work: |
"LearningMethods is an effective means of change and the two most
striking qualities are that it is immediate and it is permanent."
Professor of Education
"This experience with you has been extraordinary for me, precisely that.
And it fits in with, and transforms too, virtually everywhere I shine its
Playwright, professional actor
"When David helped reorient me towards my depression, he worked something
of a wonder to me in shaking loose decades of behaviour, assumptions, and
suffering, that I was calling Depression, in a couple of hours of precise
and conscious talk…
"I found the work to be so fully respectful of the individual. My being
was never undermined. My personal truths and reality, albeit hidden to me
in the beginning, was the focus of the work; it was a bit like stripping
away layers to arrive at my own personal knowledge. I had the knowledge,
but it took the work for me to see it and access it."
University Professor
"Applying the LearningMethods process has been a personal adventure which
was not only liberating, but it also unexpectedly gave birth to a new
feeling of inner strength. Thank you!"
"After just a few lessons in the LearningMethods work and using the
process on my own, I was amazed to become completely free so fast from the
crippling fear of heights I have had as long as I can remember !"
Alexander Technique teacher
"This method helped me to let go some of my worries and that’s a relief!"
"There is such a gap between today and all those years before the work
with David… Today, the most marvellous thing is the sense of new
« Il y a un décalage entre aujourd’hui et toutes ces
années avant le travail avec David… Aujourd’hui, ce qui est merveilleux
c’est que je sente un horizon. »
"At first I thought it was a work about personal change like you might go
to a therapist, but now I see this is something that could embrace any
learning situation."
Professor of Education
"Already that insight that I got from these three lessons helped me a lot
and I felt much freer in my playing. There was much more expression when I
played the way that I want to play and not the way that others would like
me to play."
Professional musician
"This work has helped me so much already and it’s fantastic how I have
changed since I first came in contact with
Bodil and you. So
thank you very much!!"
Professional musician
"What I liked about this work is the respect for who I am myself. I really
felt that my intrinsic value was not undermined. The work has been done in
a space that belonged to me with my own experiences, which really allowed
me to reintegrate and be totally myself. This allowed me to not be afraid
and to stay right there while things sunk in and became integrated. It is
through this that I succeed in understanding what is happening for me."
« Ce que j’ai aimé dans ce travail c’est le respect
de je que j’étais moi, c’est à dire qu’a aucun moment David m’a imposé ce
qu’il était lui. J’ai bien senti que mes valeurs n’étaient pas
déstabilisées, mes valeurs restaient et c’est dans mes valeurs que le
travail se fait. Cela m’a permis de ne pas avoir peur, de rester là et
laisser les choses s’imprégner et s’ intégrer. Ce travail a été fait dans
mon espace vital ce qui m’a permis de réintégrer ce que j’étais moi. »
"This method gave me a lot of tools to deal with my artistic problems;
personally I can say that it was very effective."
« Cette méthode m’a fournie de nombreux outils pour
faire face à mes problèmes artistiques, personnellement je peux dire que
ç’a été très efficace. »
"This has the effect of making me feel so much lighter. As if things can
be simple. And I can take life at each moment where life leads and not
where I wanted it to be."
« Cela me fait un effet d’allégement terrible, comme
si les choses après pouvaient être simples. Et prendre la vie à chaque
moment où elle est et pas où j’aimerai qu’elle soit. »
"For me this method has more and more become a way of living life and
feels great. It really helps me to see how things work."
"I was in a vicious circle… locked… where I was quite discouraged and I
couldn’t get out… My abilities are there, it was just necessary to see
them and believe in them. But in the space of a week, it’s the difference
between night and day! It is incredible!"
« Effectivement, cela faisait un cercle fermé, où
j’étais dans le découragement et je ne pouvais pas sortir de là. Mes
capacités sont là mais il fallait les voir et y croire. Dans l’espace
d’une semaine c’est la différence entre la nuit et la jour. C’est
incroyable ! »
"With this freedom now, I am a better artist. My standard is higher
without having worked. In the space of a week, it is incredible!"
« Avec cette nouvelle libération, je suis plus
haut, mon niveau est plus élevé sans avoir travaillé. Dans l’espace d’une
semaine c’est incroyable ! »
"It goes without saying that I wasn’t only unblocked as an artist.
Inevitably, believing in myself as an artist means I believe in myself in
life, in relationship to others—in all my life because I am fully there.
Now I am more alive than I was a week ago!"
« Sans compter que cela n’a pas seulement débloqué
le dessin. Obligatoirement en croyant en moi pour un dessin je crois en
moi dans la vie, dans la relation aux autres. Dans tout ce que je vis
parce que je suis là. Aujourd’hui j’existe bien plus que ce que j’existais
il y a une semaine ! »
"How simple and easy it is! What lightness! What a relief to be able to
say, ‘Yes, I can do this’."
« C’est simple et facile ! Quelle légèreté, quelle
légèreté de pouvoir dire "Et bien oui, cela je peux le faire". »
"I can see to what extent the ideas can hold me back and make me less than
I am. I also see to what extent I would never have been able to find that
all alone. It makes me realise that I could have spent my life stuck like
that ! I have not been able to be in reality because I was blocked
by an idea !"
« Je vois à quel point l’idée peut m’amener à
régresser et à être moins que ce que je suis réellement. Ca me permet
aussi de voir à quel point je n’aurai jamais pu trouver tout cela toute
seule. Je réalise que j’aurai pu passer ma vie la dedans ! Je n’étais pas
dans la réalité de mon niveau parce que j’étais bloquée par une idée ! »
Participante de stage
"I think the LearningMethods work is the most beautiful thing I have
discovered. There is so much acceptance and understanding and that
attracts me a lot."
Professional musician
"What is very interesting on the workshop is that we work with many
others. This method is different for each individual. The work allowed me
to understand myself better, but above all to understand how other people
Acting student
« Ce qui est très intéressant c’est que l’on
travaille á plusieurs. Cette méthode est différente pour chaque individu.
De travailler m’a permis de me comprendre un peu plus, mais surtout de
comprendre aussi comment fonctionnent les autres »
Comédienne estudiantine
"I found LearningMethods really helped me to see what the key and
important issues were and when the key moments were when I made or didn’t
make particular decisions."
Professor of Education
"What interests me is how this work sheds some light on our patterns of
thinking, and also on our paradoxes and fixed ideas."
« L’intérêt de cette méthode réside dans le fait de
mettre à la lumière nos schémas de pense mais aussi nos paradoxes et idées
fixes. »
"I have admired your writing very much in the past. Your "In Our Own Image" series of articles is one of the
most useful things I ever read. It greatly affects my teaching. It
demystifies some things that had seemed mystical and incomprehensible
until I read it. This in turn gave me much more confidence in the work,
and in my ability to teach it. "
Alexander Technique teacher