Patterns of Being™

"We need look no further than ourselves to see
a miracle every day!"
(Babette Lightner,
LearningMethods Teacher)
A 2 to 4 day workshop on discovering your amazing human structure and function.
Description of the Course
"Mr. Gorman's patience and brilliance in picturing human anatomy has been achieved
beyond question"
The late Prof. Raymond Dart, discoverer of early hominid, Australopithecus,
former Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Witwatersrand, S. Africa
We want to be whole, yet we still find ourselves in parts—“my aching back”, “releasing my shoulder
tension”, “strengthening my abdominal support”, etc....

What we need is an understanding of ourselves that is more accurate to our nature as whole and
present creatures:
one that reveals our design as inherently integrated creatures securely grounded and fully organised
for free, effortless movement; |
one that liberates us from the mechanistic model where muscles ‘hold us up’ and ‘contract’ to move
us; and instead one where muscles act as sensitive detectors of instability and respond by suspending
us in an elastic web of adjustable support that follows us around, springing us into activity; |
one which shows that when we interfere with this natural integration, we become divided into parts
(creating separate mind and body) and almost inevitably end up with chronic pain, tension, joint
damage, strains and other organic problems. |
"With a refreshing air of personal discovery, Gorman delineates the glorious,
unsuspected flexibility of the human organism ... the best one-man show in town"
Edward Maisel, author of "Tai Chi for Health" and
"The Alexander Technique, the Resurrection of the Body"
What will we do?...
The workshop will explore this new model of our human system using a lively blend of
information, practical activities and discussion while going through as many of these major structural
areas and functional systems as we have time for:
posture and support—how gravity is not an enemy but rather activates you into a spring-loaded whole; |
the response of breathing and the voice, expression and emotion—how we interfere by making it an
‘activity’; |
the spine as a flexible lengthening device—why back problems are so common; |
the built-in primate nature of the legs that can be accessed to reduce effort and eliminate back
problems; |
why many kinds of exercise programs for strength and fitness don't really give you what you are
after; |
our incredibly sensitive inheritance of awareness and perception; and how to make sure it is reliably
giving you the information you need; |
and how our experience, beliefs and consciousness all interact to either bind us more deeply into
unconstructive habits of stress, tension and conflict, or liberate us to a wholeness where we are
not even separate from the world around us let alone from ourselves; |
and wherever else your questions and interests lead us!
"After 15 years of treating people, and I must admit, some anatomy teaching myself,
this workshop is the first time it has really all made sense to me. My work is so different now.
John Hansen, body worker
Who is it for?...

The course presumes no special knowledge of the body, though for those who already know a lot,
you'll find a whole new point of view to deepen your understanding.

It is designed for anyone who is already exploring themselves and their function through any method
or technique, for health and medical professionals, fitness or body-workers, and
those who work with others, performers (musicians, actors and dancers), athletes, those
doing yoga or martial arts, and those who use themselves as their own instrument ...
or anyone simply interested in themselves and how to function better.
All you need is yourself and a willingness to learn that your system is more
amazing and more whole than you ever thought!
Who is the teacher?...
David Gorman
David Gorman has become widely known for his innovative and unique approach to making our human
functioning understandable, relevant and fascinating. In 1980 he published a 600-page illustrated
text on human structure and function called The Body Moveable,
now in its 5th edition, and in 1997 a collection of articles and essays,
Looking At Ourselves.

David has been helping people make sense out how they function since the mid-70s. He has taught the Alexander Technique
since 1978 and trained Alexander teachers in London from 1988 to 1997 when he began developing
his new LearningMethods work from his discoveries. He is now writing another book covering the
material of this workshop. Parts of this book will be available in e-book format soon (more information here)

He teaches private workshops, at conservatories and for conferences as well as training teachers
in the LearningMethods work. The work is now being integrated into the curriculum of many schools
and colleges in Europe and North America.

Read more about David's discoveries of our elastic spring-loaded
suspension system.
Go to the LearningMethods Calendar to see where these workshops are currently being held.
If you want to organize one of these workshops in your area, contact David for details:
Telephone: +1 416-519-5470
78 Tilden Crescent, Etobicoke, Ontario M9P 1V7 Canada (map)

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upcoming workshops in your area, and other LearningMethods news.