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Print one of these files now:
Teacher / Apprentice Agreements:
1. LM Teacher Trademark Licence
2. Policy for LM Apprenticeship
3. Policy for Supervised Teaching
Audio/Visual Licences:
4. End-User Licence Agreement
5. Professional Licence
Recordings Release Form -
fill-in version
7. Recordings Release
Form - plain version
Ethics and Conduct Material:
8. The LM Code of Conduct (1 page)
9. Ethics - The Teacher-Student
Relationship (34 pages)
10. Ethics - Working with Survivors of Abuse (28
Support Material:
11. Where the LM work is taught (2 pages)
12. Where the LM work is taught--French (2 pages)
13. Where LM Teachers have taught (2 pages)
14. Articles -
Lena Jonhäll stipend (1 page)
Articles - Ben Kreilkamp - Phoenix article (2 pages)
16. The AlexTech Debate (82