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Apprenticeship Training Program Policy To continue getting help in learning how to use the LearningMethods approach in your teaching, and especially if you are considering training as a LearningMethods Teacher you must first formally become a LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher. Formally becoming a LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher does not bind you to any specific commitment of time or money, but it does give you certain privileges and does mean that you must agree to the training policy outlined below. Many aspects of what is involved in teaching this work only become clear as the training and your understanding of the work progress, but as regards the more practical aspects, it is best to be very clear right from the start about all the practical details. The following are the policies on apprenticeship and certification. Please read them very carefully and contact me if you have any questions. Your signature below indicates your understanding of and acceptance of these conditions. Becoming an LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher gives you the following rights and responsibilities: Supervision, Supervised Teaching and Professional Development Library When you become a formal Apprentice-Teacher you may undertake supervised teaching in workshops or classes (i.e. you leading pieces of work with the help of a LearningMethods teacher). As your skills progress you will also be authorised to do unsupervised teaching and have access to a Supervising-Teacher with whom you can discuss your work, get help and support as well as direct supervision of sessions outside the workshops. As a formal Apprentice-Teacher you will also gain access to a growing library of audio-visual recordings of teaching sessions and workshops to supplement your in-person learning. It is extremely important that the privacy and confidentiality of this material is protected, so you will also need to sign the Professional Licence Agreement to gain access to it. Any violation of the Professional Licence Agreement will lead to your expulsion from the Apprentice program and you will not be able to become a LearningMethods Teacher. Attendance, Certification and use of the trademarked LearningMethods name Acceptance as a LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher does not mean that you are committing to become a LearningMethods Teacher — that will be your decision to choose as your learning and skills progress. Also, becoming an Apprentice-Teacher by no means implies automatic qualification as a LearningMethods Teacher. Since everyone is different and comes into this work from a different starting place, there is no way to predict how much time and work may be necessary for you become a Teacher. Every attempt will be made to discuss with you the progress of your learning and help you with the specific skills you may need at each step. If for whatever reason it appears that there are serious obstacles in the way of your further learning or ultimately in qualifying as a LearningMethods Teacher, the Director will discuss with you as early as possible and work with you to find solutions. However, it remains the sole responsibility of the Director to determine whether and when you will have reached a satisfactory standard to be certificated as a LearningMethods Teacher. Equally, if at any time your conduct or progress is clearly unsatisfactory and/or disrupting workshops or classes, the Director will undertake to discuss the circumstances fully with you and you will have reasonable opportunity to rectify the situation. However, if things do not change in a satisfactory way, the Director reserves the right to end your apprenticeship. By signing below, you agree that as an Apprentice-Teacher you are free to explore the work with others and in your teaching, but that you will not hold yourself out as a Teacher of the LearningMethods work until you have been certificated by the Director and have completed the Trade Mark Licence Agreement allowing you to use the LearningMethods name and logo and to promote yourself as a LearningMethods Teacher.
I wish to formally become a LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher.
Name (printed) Signature Date |
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